
More Miracle Babies....

Brent & Bryson are two little guys that I had the pleasure of meeting last weekend!  They are about 7 months old now and are full of sweet and saucy personality!  Mom & Dad certainly can't deny one of each of them... Brent looks just like Dad and Bryson looks just like Mom... a true "his & hers" set!  I give my hats off award to the whole family, as these little guys were born premature and have come a looong way.  Great job Mom and Dad... hope you enjoy this preview of what's to come!  It was a pleasure to work with you and your gallery will be up shortly. :)


Gavin's Growin'....

Well, this little dude has changed quite a bit since I saw him at our last session at 10 months... allll that baby is gone he's now just a sassy little guy with spikey red hair and a personality that won't quit!  As you can see from my last several sessions, last weekend was a marathon at the park with three separate little people... but Gavin was the only one doing forward rolls in the grass and cracking himself up!  What a doll.  He's already all over my website and I'm sure to add a few of the new images too!  Thanks again for having me back for another session and I look forward to seeing your family again soon!


Snapshots From Our Vacay! -1

Snapshots From Our Vacay! -2

Just thought I'd share a few images from our time here in Wisconsin so far.... as you can see we are having a great time visiting my sister's family! So far we've gone to the Milwaukee County Zoo (which Trystan LOVED!), apple-picking, and to a farm to see all the animals.  These are some of my favorite pictures from these adventures!  I find it REALLY hard to play photographer and Mommy with a baby on my hip and a 3 year old to keep track of... but, I'm grateful for the few great moments I've been able grab with my camera!  The kiddos you see are my nieces Lexi & Sydney... and my nephew Noah, and of course my two Trystan & Elise.

Coming attractions.... My second session with Gavin, a "Sweetheart" Session with Kristie & Nick, and some more trip pictures!  



Gracie is all grown up now since our first session... she was the "baby in the brief case" in my portfolio, and then the Halloween Pumpkin Baby last year... we stripped her down and put her inside a huge pumpkin her family's holiday card!  But now... she's a jabbering little missy and I so enjoyed following her around.  I was especially excited to see that mom brought her favorite beads for her to wear... they really added even more personality to the pictures and were a lot of fun!  My favorite image from our whole session is the first image here... she was pondering something and I just love the look on her face, the lighting, the way she's leaning on the wall, and her girly headband & beads... I could go on and on!  

I'll be meeting with Gracie again in November, except this time I'll be photographing the whole family for the holidays!  See you then guys!


Little Man Zach...

Zach is a gorgeous kid, full of spunk and personality.  I met Zack and his family at Veteran's Park last weekend for a family session, and let me tell you, he was quite the funny man!  I had a great time with him horsing around and playing, he showed me his muscles, his "surfer-dude" stance, and he enjoyed just running around showing off!  In addition to all the family shots, these were a few of my favorites.  I especially love the last image posted... it screams... "Yea, I know I'm adorable!"  :)  


My Handsome Man....

Ok, so I couldn't resist posting these recent pictures of my most handsome husband Matthew.  I just love this guy and can't get enough of him!   It has occured to me over the last few months that I have not one GOOD photograph of him, of he and I together, or my own family of 4 and was completely perplexed!  Like any good photographer, I seem to spend all my time focusing on the bellies, babes, and families I call clients.  Honestly, have to remind myself to include my own kids in that mix!?  But man, when it comes to my husband and I... we are just straight out photographically challenged!!  :)  Well, no more I say!  Here he is...and here WE are too.  I managed to get in a few of us also, imagine that?!  I have to say that I haven't loved a picture of us more since our wedding photos.  

I am so grateful for all God is doing in our marriage and family... and I can't think of anyone I'd rather be doing this thing called life with than Matt.  He is "my provision" through and through.  We've had a tough year, but God is good and I'm claimin' it as DONE, Battle Won for my family!  These pictures just serve as just a glimpse of the love, healing, and freedom God is going to pour out through us into other families in the near future.  Can I get an Amen to that?


Hollie & Chris...

Hollie & Chris are two of my latest expecting parents... they are looking forward to the birth of their son within the next month or so.  We did a combination of locations... starting off in their (oh-so-stylish) home and then we trekked down to Delray Beach for some South Florida style shots.  It was the perfect evening for it too... not blistering hot and nice warm light.  I can't wait to finish their images!  I posted so many here because there was just such a nice variety to choose from. 

 I'm looking forward to my next session with them and meeting their new little man!  Thanks guys... waiting to hear the good news! :)


Pretty Girls..

Little Miss Ava is younger than my Elise, and look at all that gorgeous hair!!!!?  She looked like she was about 3 years old... just a miniature 3 years old!  What a sweet girl she was and absolutely loved the camera.  Her big sister Gillian loved it too... and kept giving me her "pretty girl" smile.  This was a great session, all using the wonderful, warm natural lighting in this family's giant living room that was lined with sliding glass doors!  It was great... short, sweet, and FULL of great shots!  Just the way I like it!  It was tough to choose which images to post, but here are a few I thought would be fun to share!
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