
My Beautiful Ones...

Well... I've taken a hiatus from blogging and if you are a client and are waiting to see your session preview, forgive me!  We got notice last Tuesday that our house had in fact sold and would be going to closing in less than two weeks..... I had 4 boxes packed.  Thankfully, my schedule was light and my husband and I put our heads down and WORKED until it was done 7 days later.  Packed.  Moved.  Cleaned. Done!  I personally believe I deserve a luxurious spa day for my efforts... but no such luck on that one!  Maybe just a pedicure?  We'll see. :)

Needless to say, work came to a screeching halt (aside from the few sessions I had scheduled).  I'm just getting back to work today with editing and phone calls and am buried under a mountain of work which I will be soon catching up on!!  As I downloaded the over 1000 images from my camera... I came across a patch of images I had taken a few weeks ago of MY children.  Imagine that... MY KIDS! :)  So... instead of editing client images... I spent my free time this afternoon editing my kiddos pictures!  I feel horribly guilty either way... either I ditch work to work on being a good mommy and having updated pictures of my own beauties, or.... I work on your beauties.  With me, it's the classic case of the shoe-maker's kids that have no shoes!  I must create and MAKE time to get pictures of my own kids... and it doesn't happen nearly as often as it should.  Anyway... here are some of my favorites from our time at the park.  I should mention that I was testing out my new toy.... the Nikon 70-200mm f2.8 lens!!  It's a must have for weddings and any sort of low lighting or distance shooting.  I love it... my thoughts were when seeing these images... "Where have you been all my life??"... and it has become a regular lens to grace my camera!  It's gigantic... and my skinny little arms can barely hold it for more than 20 minutes or so!  Gotta start pumping some iron!?  Or not.    :)

Back to my kids... Trystan is 3 years old here and Elise is about 13 months.  As you can see, Trystan is finally having fun in front of the camera and letting me catch his silly expressions and even shows off a bit (can you tell?).  Seen here are his monkey impression, a hug for his best lion friend "Wepsy," and some random fun moments at the house and park.  Elise on the other hand... she's a challenge!  Busy busy busy and  she basically ignores me.  My hubby picked up the camera for the one of the two of us... great job honey!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, I think Trystan gets his goofy side from his daddy, huh?!?
And Elise's eyes! My goodness : )

Love you guys, miss you!

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