
My Dusty Blog... and Some Gorgeous Gals :: Abilene Senior Portrait Photographer, San Angelo Senior Portrait Photographer

Ugh, I decided to go to my blog this morning to listen to some music (I put all my favorites on here) and was horrified to really see just how behind I am on posting. I don't even know if everything I've shot this holiday season will make it up onto this page... mostly because I'm about to have a baby literally any day now... and in January I'll be figuring out how to do life as a mommy of 3 AND packing my house to move! Yep- slight insanity, but we are excited to be buying our first home and I know once we are in, it will allllll be worth it! I've been much better about uploading client previews to my Facebook fan page, so if you want to check out a good selection of my holiday shooting... click here!! Otherwise, I'm going to try to do some quick posting just to update this blog a bit for those of you who randomly find me or don't do the Facebook thing! :)

So when you live in Sweetwater, Texas... November and December is the time for the local high school's New Year Girl competition. What is a New Year Girl, you ask... well, the girls get nominated by their peers and are required to submit an 8x10 for the contest. The images are sent away to be judged by some mystery person (who is usually announced after the deed has been done) and the title is awarded! All of the nominees get their pictures in the paper too. I personally think the school should give them some sort of prize or something... maybe a gift card or SOMETHING for going to all the effort?! But that's just me.. what do I know!

Photographing these girls was a lot of fun... I tried really hard to create different looks for each of them and find the sparkle in their personalities... some of the girls had very specific looks they were going for (i.e. out in the country/foliage look) .. and others left it entirely up to me! I told my husband that seriously, I could shoot these sessions all day long, every day! Girls this age are just so much fun! Fortunately, a handful of these girlies were Seniors and will be enjoying a $50 print credit when they return for their Senior Portrait Sessions in the spring! I look forward to that because we can have even more fun and not be limited to head shot and 3/4 length shots! :)

Just wanted to showcase some of my favorites... the only girl not featured in this post is Megan, who I actually managed to get blogged earlier on! :)

Miss Genea....








Miss Joselyn....




Miss Caroline.....






Miss Heidi....






Miss Sarah....




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