
I'm Back... with the Lovely Isabella!

It's been a while since I've been able to post anything!  It was a great trip out to Texas with the family (I hope to get some pictures and some blogging up about it soon) and we are working on getting settled in.  I finally got my internet hook up at the house and so I've gotten back on the work horse!  I am OVERLOADED with editing... as my last 2 months were crazy busy... and I honestly bit off a little more than I could chew in a timely manner- especially with a move as a part of the mix!  Thanks to everyone for their patience as I transition and catch up!  

Here is the gorgeous Isabella!  Is she amazing or what?  I did her first portraits at about 3 months old.... she's still on my gallery... the little baby with all the black hair and sparkling eyes!  I think she looks like Suri Cruise!!  She has a such a sweet, girly little personality... and definitely didn't want to get dirty or do anything yucky like sit in the grass!!  I sat her down for a shot and she gave me a look like "How dare you?"... it was hilarious!  I'm in love with several of these shots... just love the soft natural looks on her face!  Thanks Joe and Alina for wanting to squeeze in one more session before I left!  Here's a sneak-peak for you!

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