
My Long, Lost Blog.... :)

Ugh, I can't believe it's been over a month since I've blogged a session!?? I guess you could say I've just taken a break from blogging purely due to being so stinkin' busy that I just can't keep up with it. I'm probably behind blogging about 15 sessions, and feel like it would take me forever to get each one posted.. but I will try!!! Ugh, what to do? Maybe I need to hire a "blogging assistant" in times like these where editing and finishing up files in a timely manner is more important than posting them for the world to see? Hmmmm, that may be an idea! :) I have posted a few of them on my Facebook Fan page, because it's fast, but I so prefer to blog because the pictures are nice and big and you can really see them much better! In the last month or two, I've shot with about 10 beautiful seniors... so I will likely just do one big monster post with the highlights from each one... a few family sessions, and engagement session for Brigett & Wesley, the snuggly newborn Selah, Mommy Joy who is expecting her first little girl, and Whitney's Bridals! So, consider this a coming attractions of sorts! :)

Just a few of the highlights of what I've been up to... flew to Philly to shoot Alison & Micheal's reception... just photographed about 100 ballerinas, big and small, at the Sweetwater Performing Arts center over the last two days, and hosted a booth at the Sweetwater High School Career Fair yesterday... hopefully inspired a few students to explore a career in photography! Not to mention that I had 24 Juniors sign up to shoot their Senior Portraits with me next year!!! Woo-hoooo! :)

Amazing Births & Beyond in South Florida has redesigned their website using my photography as creative accents on each page... what an honor! For all my SoFla mamas, I highly recommend their services... everything from birth & post-pardem doulas, prenatal massage, hypno-birthing and a whole host of classes, and an amazing boutique with tons of treasures (including a line of house made shea butter lotions, essential oils, soaps, etc... divine!). It's THE place for the pregnant mommy (and beyond!)! I'm thrilled to be featured on their site... check it out here. Click the menu tab in the middle to see each page!

I promise to get some evidence of all of this fun stuff up on here soon! On a personal note, I am supposed to be packing up my house to move in 3 weeks............................ ya.... NO clue how that one is going to actually going to happen?? I had to cancel my trip to South Florida this month just due to the move and all that I already have going on here in Texas... 10 sessions :( ... but I look forward to returning in late September/October for the holiday rush of family photography!! That's all for now! I'll be back soon!

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