
Sweet Baby Will :: Sweetwater Photographer, Abilene Children's Photographer


Never seen a little guy so excited to be plopped into a tin bucket!!!



I had the opportunity to work with Will's sweet family a week or so ago for their holiday pictures... I fell in love with these shots and since I'm struggling to keep the blog updated, just thought I'd do a very quick post to share these! Mommy, Lesli, brought this great stool and I about gasped thinking of trying to put him on it.. it was so tall I was afraid he'd fall off!! She assured me he would be fine and boy was he!!! I've got about 6-8 shots of him like this... complete with arms flailing and wide open mouth joy-filled smiles... and he stayed on the whole time! LOOOVE it! Lesli gets the bravest first time mommy award in my book! :)


Whitney Hempsey said...

These turned out great Karyn!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful, love the warm sun.

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