
Took this little man's pictures while he was in Mom's tum... it's always so great to get see who was actually in there!!  Maddox is about 7 months old now, just a month younger than my daughter.  His parents and I were in the same hypno-birthing class.  Adria had called me to set up her pregnancy session, but we had no idea we'd be in the same class.  It was pretty funny when she introduced herself... I knew immediately it had to be the same person (unique name).. her husband thought I was a stalker when I struck up a conversation with him starting with.."So, did you and your wife just get back from vacation?"  It was hilarious as I explained to him the situation.  :)  They took some gorgeous pregnancy pictures too!  So great to come back and see them in their new roles as parents.  It always amazes me... even walking into their home... I know just how much their lives have changed since I last saw them.... and I know just how much more joy they have in their lives due to this little person.  It is really incredible.... what a gift these little people are!!  

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