
Jennifer & David...

This is Jennifer & David's first first little bundle.... they are likely already holding him in their arms as I post this!!  Jennifer contacted me at about 36 weeks with a serious sense of urgency about getting these images taken!  Poor Jennifer had been on medication to stop her contractions since 32 weeks and basically waited until we got these photographs taken to go off of the medicine!  She was seriously contracting throughout the whole session and had to take frequent breaks to focus on her breathing to get through them!!  I'd say she gets the award for mommy closest to labor taking pregnancy portraits!!  

Bless her heart, I remember ONLY TOO WELL what that is like and I found myself feeling a bit envious of the ride they were about to take!  The birth experience is so intense and surreal....            Anyway, :) I wouldn't doubt it if they had the baby that night!  It has taken everything for me NOT to call them just to quench my curiosity!   It was a great combo session with a studio sitting in their (beautiful) home and a jaunt over to the beach for a few outdoorsy-types!  She is a beautiful mommy and I'm looking forward to meeting their little man at our newborn session!  Congratulations guys! 

1 comment:

Pepper Blossom said...

oh i love the last one!

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