
My "Daily Joy" Project....

So everywhere you turn these days, photographers & mom-ographers are doing these "365" projects or "52" projects where every day or once a week they are taking a picture of something meaningful to them..... or perhaps there is a theme for some "thing" they are working on photography-wise or WHATEVER... you get the idea. For the longest time I just looked and admired thinking, "Awww, what a great idea.... maybe some day I'll have time to do that?!" and kept on going. I'm usually not one to jump on the band wagon.... but usually by the time I get around to deciding that something is great idea it's been done and it's old news!! Well, this will be no different. I'm finally going to MAKE the time to pick up my camera daily.... for at least a month... and take some photos of the things that bring me joy. Prepare yourself for lots of pictures of my children and new puppy, Chopper...... and FOOD! Mostly... I just want to pick up my camera for myself and hopefully renew the joy I feel when taking pictures that are mine to keep. I'm not going to stress the composition, editing, or anything technical... I'm just going to shoot some of my daily goings on and see what I can discover. I'm really excited and the whole idea just gives me a peaceful feeling inside. Too many times my clients ask me "Gee, you must just take hundreds of photos of your own kids huh?" This is then followed with me lowering my head in self-loathing and say... "Yea, you'd think so eh?" I beat myself up for seeing the camera as work and not wanting to pick it up when I enter my own four walls. Of course, I LOVE my job... but like the shoemaker who has no shoes.... I tend to just stick the camera up on the shelf and clock out. So- that ends today... if I miss a day then so be it! Maybe I'll get crazy and post two photos the next day or something!!?! :) I hope you'll check back from time to time to see what I've been up to (mostly because I need the accountability!). I'm just excited to bring a little bit more of myself and my world into my blog!! It should be a lot of fun!

Day One: This week has been a great week for me. I got to have a day alone in Abilene to bum around and run some errands and have lunch with a new photographer buddy! I'm a girlfriendy kinda girl so that does wonders in recharging my batteries! Then this morning, I got the kids off to school, got Lyla down for her nap, and made a batch of my most favorite pastry on the planet... Orange Chocolate-Chip scones!!!!! Really... they are one of the yummiest things I've ever put in my mouth and I make them way too infrequently! Thought these were a perfect way to start off my month of joy-filled photos! :)

Joy-3 copy

Joy-2 copy

1 comment:

Pepper Blossom said...

you need to send me a box of those, fresh out of the oven. xo

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