
Danielle & Andre's Maternity Session :: South Florida Maternity Photographer, Sweetwater Photographer


Danielle came with the balloons in hand! She has no idea, but the random bunch of balloons had been a trend in photography over the last year or two... one which I have yet to explore, but I was so glad she brought them... it was adorable!


Her dress was perfect... so flowy and it hugged her curves so nicely! Loved that I caught these Seagulls in the back ground too!




Warm fuzzies.... :)




Andre just did this on his own... so sweet! He's completely smitten with his new baby girl Chloe...!!



How cute are they with their bubbles and giant lolli-pop?!! :)




Danielle & Andre were so delightful to photograph! Why? Well there was just something about them... they came prepared with some great ideas and props for the session.... Dani wanted it to feel whimsical and fun... childlike and innocent! I loved that! Second, they were both just so comfortable in their own skin... they needed hardly any direction and just naturally loved on each other almost like I wasn't even there! You can't ask for anything more than THAT, my friends! :) I always tell my clients that what they do together on their own (without my direction) is going to be what looks best anyway.... and man, did they have that concept down! :) Dani wanted to do the whole session at a fair or carnival... but there weren't any in town at the time, so I suggested Sugar Sand Park where I knew there was a merry-go-round! I think we accomplished the feel she was looking for!! We dodged rain drops the whole time... actually did get showered on but I was happy to grab a bit of blue sky in some of the photos on the beach at least!

Posting this session just reminds me of how far behind on the blogging I am! Their sweet baby girl, Chloe is already here and Mommy reports that Daddy is a complete "gonner" for his little angel! I'm only sorry I'm not there to take her first portraits... but perhaps I'll get to meet her in April when I return to SoFla for 2 weddings and a handful of portrait appointments! We'll see!?! If I haven't blogged your session yet, it's not because I don't love you... I'm just focusing on getting all my finishing done while balancing my crazy shooting schedule.... oh ya and then there's this big girl in my belly and the 2 that are already "on the outside!!" HA!! :) Such is the life of a Mommy-photographer during the holiday season! Don't let my lamenting fool you, I love every minute of it! Stay tuned for good things on the blog... and oh, if you live in Sweetwater, be sure to grab a Sweetwater Reporter on Sunday to check out my next feature article!! :)


Anonymous said...

love the bright colors... looks like it was a fun session!

Anonymous said...

It was a fun day for sure....we felt very comfortable with you...what to comment about...the pictures speaks for themself, don't you think so.....all so colorful and fun and full of life and...WE LOVED IT.......can't stop looking at are GREAT!!!!come and visit when you're in Florida...Chloe is in my arms while i'm writing with one hand hahaha...hugs hugs.

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